Publicity Pack

Task 1 : Initial Research

End Game


The title of the movie is End Game. The movie was released in 2019 by Marvel Studio.
The movie was set in Pinewood Atlanta Studios in Fayette County, Georgia.


The producer for Endgame was Kevin Feige. A producer usually oversees the whole movie production and performs tasks such as directing, financing, etc.
A producer might oversee every aspect of the movie from idea to distribution because they have spent a lot of money producing the movie and want to make sure their ideas are being reflected correctly and up to their standards. The producer might have used research techniques like a focus group to determine the movies genre. The producer utilised research techniques available to him to determine his target audience and movie genre. This affected the movie because if the producer hadn't performed any research, the movie genre could have been a different to the actual one.

Target audience

The target audience for Avenger : End Game is viewers from the age of 6-96, who watch PG13 movies.

Marketing strategies

The End Game trailer was released on the 7th of December 2018.

There were also End Game posters released at the same time as the trailer. I think the posters were an effective marketing strategy seen as it enabled the viewers to have a further, deeper acknowledgment of the upcoming video.

Red carpet interviews / premiers

They also had various premier cast interviews which was released on the 22nd of April on the Marvel Studio's Youtube Channel. The stream is nearly on 8,000,000 views.

How was the film distributed by Walt Disney Studio Motion Pictures. The distributer was a a large, global  company with a global revenue of $59 Billion U.S dollar. The benefits of selecting the right distributer are clear. Firstly, due to the company being large, more marketing resources will be available. Also, the distribution and exposure will be far greater.

Task 2 - The Plan

Title : The Game after Endgame

Tagline : Double The Pleasure, Double The Endgame


Beginning of the story : The story begins after the Endgame movie. Having defeated the biggest villain in Marvel story, Thanos, the Avengers have practically achieved world peace, right? Not quite. Thanos son appears in New York ready to confront the Avenger and avenge his fathers death. He seeks nothing but destruction and demolition. He wants the Planet Earth to suffer, just like his dad.

Middle of The Story : The Avengers once again regroup to defeat Thanos son, Thane. In a prolonged, drawn out battle, the Avengers defeat Thane. They decide not to kill him, since he appeared to have repented for his devilish actions.

End of The Story : After repenting and turning to the 'good side' Thane joins the Avengers. Simultaneously, a member of the Avengers, Hulk, strangely disappears causing a lot of suspicion amongst the group. 

Characters: All the Avengers, civilians, police, army, Thane.

Classification : I have decided to have a 12 PG classification for my movie mainly because my target audience will be from the ages of 12-17, meaning it will mostly teenagers who like Comics and Super-hero movies. Also, the violence will be minimal, the movie will not include any bad language and there won't be any sexual content apart from kissing. 

Genre : Action, Super-Hero 

Task 3 - The Proposal 

My film posters target my target audience by utilising various marketing techniques. The first marketing technique I used was the use of stars. My poster includes 3 main characters being Spider-man, Iron-man and Captain America. The use of stars increases the popularity of my movie whilst targeting my target audience. I also targeted my target audience by including a tagline on my film poster which was ‘Double The Pleasure, Double The Endgame’. This brief tagline, causes curiosity to my target audience therefore making them want to watch the movie. Similarly, I have chosen a late release date for my film because the audience will be anxious to watch it ultimately increasing viewing numbers as it will get more popular by doing this. 
To encourage fandom and repeat viewings for my film after it has been release I will create a website releasing exclusive information concerning the life of the actors, bloopers and other relevant information. This will increase fandom because when they see the website they may want to watch the movie again due to nostalgia. A viral social media campaign is also a perfect method to repeat viewings and fandom of my movie as it will increase its awareness drastically seen as social media is a big platform nowadays to share.

3 - Other ways I could promote my movie to my target audience its the use of social media, billboard and television

Social media is a great marketing tool because it helps to connect with my viewers,increase the awareness about my movie. It could also boost sales. A lot of people use internet nowadays, with more than 3 billion people around the world utilising it every month, it is a big trend.

I chose Warner Bros as my distribution company seen as they are the most popular in this day and time. This meaning they can reach more people and publicise my movie greatly. However, since I picked a very famous distribution company, the cost will be far greater than a less popular one, so this is one thing I have to take into account.

Distribution is the process of making a product or service available for the consumer or business user who needs it. 

Based off of my own evaluation of my film I think that my audiences expectations of my film's genre before they watch it will be that it is action packed and exciting and will have a variety of characters. I want my audiences emotional response to be that they feel sympathetic towards Hulk   a the end of the movie due to his mysterious disappearence  for think that my promotion pack is an effective preview of the content of my film (poster and storyboard) and they portray this well. The poster because it shows the different types of Marvel Superheros that there are and how they all feel extremely confident comfortable once they are in battle.  I think that my storyboard shows this well because it gives the audience an insight as to what's in store. 

The strengths of my promotion pack are that it is a clear outline of what's happening in the film and it gives away information on what's happening but not too much. The weaknesses are that I could have added more images for my poster. Changes I would make to make my film more effective is that I would add a lot of character development and not open plot lines and not finish them off.

Task 4 - Evaluation


I think my audience expectations  

Based off 


Reference Page (). End Game.Available: Last accessed 08/05/2019.
Quora. (). What age group of viewers is the target audience for the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and does this vary between films?. Available: Last accessed 08/05/2019.
IMDb. (2012). Avengers Assemble (2012). Available: Last accessed 12th June 2019.
isthismoviesuitable. (2010). Avengers End Game. Available: Last accessed 12th June 2019.
Statista. (2018). The Walt Disney Company - networth (assets) 2018.Available: Last accessed 12th June 2019.
